Autumn Session
September 1st, 2023 – December 10th, 2023
Winter Session
February 3rd, 2024 – May 19st, 2024
Tutorial fee for a session
1 class weekly for one session: $390
2 classes weekly for one session: $630
Pointe dance 1 class weekly for one session: $200
Pointe dance 2 classes weekly for one session: $350
preparation for pointe: same as pointe dance class
total for the year (season): $780 (no registration fee to add)
private and semi-private lessons upon request
ADULTS classes $300 for 10 classes, no registration fees are required
Jenie's Dance School is happy to provide you
-a $20 discount for the second of your child's tuition fees
- $50 discount with payment for a whole year
- 30% discount for the second ballet class of the same level
Please add $50 registration fees for a session (exemption if you pay for the whole season) and make checks payable to Jenie Gospodinova
Refunds are possible only in the first week of the session before the second class of the group. The taken classes will be charged $30 each. The registration fees are not refundable.