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Plain pink leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet slippers. Small, non-dangling earrings are permitted. Hair should be pulled back neatly from the face and secured.

White plain socks and a Yoga mat are  required for Beginner-ballet dancers






Pre ballet and
Beginner ballet


Plain black leotard (NO Velvet or Rhinestones or Skirts), ballet white tights, pink leather ballet slippers, white plain socks, Yoga mat and ankle weight.

No skirts are permitted. No jewelry or watches. Small, non-dangling earrings are permitted.

Ballet buns must be worn.

Intermediate-beginner and

There is NO Dress Code for that class. Please dress comfortably in dance or exercise attire. There is no color code. You will need ballet shoes, a yoga mat, socks. For your own comfort, please leave jewellery at home.

Ballet Adults

ballet adults
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